Python code for Delibery Challan

Python code that generates a Delivery Challan and Gatepass

Python code for Delivery Challan: The Material Delivery using the PyCharm IDE.

import datetime

# Define a function to generate a Delivery Challan
def generate_challan(order_id, customer_name, delivery_address, items):
    # Create a file to store the Delivery Challan
    filename = f"Delivery Challan_{order_id}.txt"
    with open(filename, "w") as file:
        # Write the header information
        file.write(f"Delivery Challan - Order #{order_id}\n")
        file.write(f"Customer Name: {customer_name}\n")
        file.write(f"Delivery Address: {delivery_address}\n\n")
        # Write the items and their quantities
        for item, quantity in items.items():
            file.write(f"{item}: {quantity}\n")
        # Write the date and time of generation
        file.write(f"Generated on: {}")

    return filename

# Define a function to generate a Gatepass
def generate_gatepass(order_id, customer_name, vehicle_number):
    # Create a file to store the Gatepass
    filename = f"Gatepass_{order_id}.txt"
    with open(filename, "w") as file:
        # Write the header information
        file.write(f"Gatepass - Order #{order_id}\n")
        file.write(f"Customer Name: {customer_name}\n")
        file.write(f"Vehicle Number: {vehicle_number}\n")
        # Write the date and time of generation
        file.write(f"Generated on: {}")

    return filename

# Example usage
order_id = 12345
customer_name = "John Smith"
delivery_address = "123 Main St, Anytown, USA"
items = {"Widget": 10, "Gadget": 5, "Thingamajig": 3}
vehicle_number = "ABC-1234"

challan_filename = generate_challan(order_id, customer_name, delivery_address, items)
print(f"Delivery Challan generated: {challan_filename}")

gatepass_filename = generate_gatepass(order_id, customer_name, vehicle_number)
print(f"Gatepass generated: {gatepass_filename}")

This code defines two functions – generate_challan and generate_gatepass – which generate the Delivery Challan and Gatepass respectively. The code also includes an example usage, which you can modify to suit your needs.

When you run this code in PyCharm, it will generate two text files – one for the Delivery Challan and one for the Gatepass – in the current directory. The filenames will include the order ID, so you can easily keep track of which files correspond to which orders.

Another Example: Python code for Delibery Challan

Delivery challan that includes the date and time, order details, customer information, and a list of items being delivered:

import datetime

def generate_challan(order_id, customer_name, delivery_address, items):
    # Create a file to store the Delivery Challan
    filename = f"Delivery Challan_{order_id}.txt"
    with open(filename, "w") as file:
        # Write the header information
        file.write(f"Delivery Challan - Order #{order_id}\n")
        file.write(f"Date: {'%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S')}\n\n")
        # Write the order details
        file.write("Order Details:\n")
        file.write(f"Customer Name: {customer_name}\n")
        file.write(f"Delivery Address: {delivery_address}\n\n")
        # Write the items and their quantities
        for item, quantity in items.items():
            file.write(f"{item}: {quantity}\n")

    return filename

This code will generate a text file with the name “Delivery Challan_[order_id].txt”, where [order_id] is the actual order ID passed as a parameter to the generate_challan function.

To use the function, you can call it with the order details and a dictionary of items and their quantities:

order_id = 12345
customer_name = "John Smith"
delivery_address = "123 Main St, Anytown, USA"
items = {"Widget": 10, "Gadget": 5, "Thingamajig": 3}

challan_filename = generate_challan(order_id, customer_name, delivery_address, items)
print(f"Delivery Challan generated: {challan_filename}")

When you run this code, it will generate a file named “Delivery Challan_12345.txt” (assuming the order ID is 12345) in the same directory as your Python script. The file will contain the order details, customer information, and list of items with their quantities.

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