
ExactMetrics plugin for WordPress

ExactMetrics is a popular plugin used for website analytics and tracking. It provides detailed reports and statistics on website visitors, traffic sources, and other important metrics.

Here are some recommended guidelines for using ExactMetrics:

  1. Ensure that you have properly installed and configured the plugin on your WordPress site.
  2. Verify that your Google Analytics account is properly set up and connected to the plugin.
  3. Customize your tracking settings to ensure that you are tracking the right data.
  4. Regularly check the reports and analytics provided by the plugin to gain valuable insights into your website traffic.

People are using ExactMetrics to take advantage of its extensive tracking capabilities and to better understand their website traffic. This information can then be used to improve the user experience, increase conversions, and grow their online presence.

Overall, ExactMetrics has received positive reviews from its users. Many people appreciate its ease of use, accuracy, and the valuable insights it provides into their website traffic. However, as with any plugin, some users may have had negative experiences or encountered technical issues.

ExactMetrics is a popular WordPress plugin for website analytics and tracking. Here are some of its key features:

  1. Google Analytics Integration: ExactMetrics integrates with Google Analytics, allowing users to view their website traffic statistics directly from their WordPress dashboard.
  2. Real-time Statistics: The plugin provides real-time traffic statistics, so users can see how their website is performing in real-time.
  3. Detailed Reports: ExactMetrics provides detailed reports on website traffic, including visitor demographics, traffic sources, and other important metrics.
  4. E-commerce Tracking: The plugin provides e-commerce tracking, so users can see how many sales and conversions their website is generating.
  5. Custom Dimensions: Users can set custom dimensions, such as author and category tracking, to gain deeper insights into their website traffic.
  6. Event Tracking: ExactMetrics allows users to track events, such as clicks on buttons, on their website, so they can see how their visitors are interacting with their site.
  7. Page-Level Analytics: The plugin provides page-level analytics, so users can see how individual pages on their website are performing.
  8. UTM Tracking: ExactMetrics supports UTM tracking, allowing users to track the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns.
  9. Opt-Out Feature: The plugin includes an opt-out feature, so users can choose not to track their own visits to their website.
  10. Customizable Dashboards: Users can customize their analytics dashboards to show the metrics that are most important to them.
  11. Mobile Optimization: ExactMetrics is optimized for mobile devices, so users can view their analytics from anywhere.
  12. Multisite Compatibility: The plugin is compatible with WordPress Multisite, so users can track statistics for multiple sites from a single dashboard.

ExactMetrics also offers a pro version of its plugin for WordPress, which includes additional features and functionality not available in the free version. Here are some of the key features of the ExactMetrics Pro version:

  1. Advanced Custom Dimensions: The Pro version provides advanced custom dimensions, such as author tracking, category tracking, and custom post type tracking, for more in-depth insights into website traffic.
  2. Custom Reports: Users can create custom reports that include the metrics and data that are most important to them.
  3. Affiliate Link Tracking: The Pro version includes affiliate link tracking, so users can track the performance of their affiliate marketing campaigns.
  4. File Download Tracking: The plugin tracks file downloads, so users can see how many downloads their website is generating.
  5. Author Tracking: ExactMetrics Pro allows users to track author performance, so they can see which authors are driving the most traffic to their site.
  6. Enhanced E-commerce Tracking: The Pro version includes enhanced e-commerce tracking, so users can see how many sales and conversions their website is generating, and which products are selling the best.
  7. Ads Tracking: The Pro version includes ads tracking, so users can track the performance of their advertising campaigns.
  8. Improved Dashboards: The Pro version provides improved dashboards, with more customization options and a more user-friendly interface.
  9. Priority Support: Users of the Pro version receive priority support from the ExactMetrics team.
  10. Automatic Updates: The Pro version includes automatic updates, so users can always be sure they are using the latest version of the plugin.

Overall, the Pro version of ExactMetrics provides more advanced and in-depth analytics capabilities for those who need them, and is ideal for businesses, e-commerce sites, and those who want to track more detailed information about their website traffic.

Azeem Khan

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